2025 Bedlam Bass Anglers Rules
All participants are required to sign a waiver that they have read and understand all Bedlam Bass Anglers club rules and Bedlam Bass Anglers will not be liable for anything.
1. Participants:
All tournaments are open to anyone over 18 years of age. Anyone competitor that is less than 18 years of age must be accompanied in the boat by an adult 18 years of age or older or sign a waiver/release of liability form which must be submitted with entry fees. Bedlam Bass Anglers is open to all boat makes, models and motor sizes.
2. Bedlam Bass Anglers Membership:
Membership is $80 per boat and includes the right to fish any tournament for that calendar year. Children ages 12 years old and under, fishing with a parent or guardian, receive a free Membership.
3. Tournament Entry Fees:
Entry fee regular season events is $100.00 per boat per tournament, which includes the Big Bass Pot. The tournament director may adjust entry fee on tournament locations that require a lake usage fee.
4. Scoring:
Regular season events will be scored based on a 100-point scoring system Plus total weight of fish.
Teams that don’t weigh in any fish will receive last place point -5 points. The Team with the Big Bass will also be award an additional 5 Points. Teams must fish to be awarded points.
AOY will be awarded after the last Regular season Tournament
5. Bedlam Bass Anglers Championship (Updated)
All teams that finish the season having fished at least 4 of the 5 regular season events, shall be eligible to fish the championship. Both days weight will be combined together to give you your overall total and the points will count as a single day event. There is a $150.00 entry fee (this includes the Big Bass Pot for each day). All qualified teams may pay an entry fee for the Championship at registration. The Tournament Director will only accept cash at the ramp (NO Checks Please). Monday-Thursday Prior to the championship will be off limits.
6. Substitutes: (Updated)
Any team may use a substitute in a tournament at any time and all points will be retained. This person may serve as a substitute only one time during the season. A participant may fish solo or must declare a partner prior by the start of the second tournament. Substitutes will be allowed for the championship, but they must pay their memberships.
7. Ties:
During regular season events, ties will be broken using the weight of each competitor's big bass. If a tie still exists, the competitors will split the combined first and second place prize money. Ties for Divisional Champions will be broken by the team that has the heaviest total weight for the season. Ties for the Championship will be broken by big bass. Ties for big bass will split big bass pot.
7a. One Fish Rule (Updated)
If in the event only one team catches a fish for the entire tournament, they will be awarded Big Bass and also 1st Place. The remaining money will be put into the championship fund.
8. Legal Means of Taking:
All bass must be caught alive in a conventional sport fishing manner. This is defined as having a lure attached to a line and a rod and reel with the lure in the water.
The following restrictions apply:
· The use of grippers in landing bass is prohibited.
· Only artificial and biodegradable lures may be used. No “live bait” or “prepared bait” will be permitted during official practice and competition, with the exception of pork strips or rinds.
· Only one casting, spin casting or spinning rod (8 foot maximum length from butt of handle to rod tip) and reel may be used at any one time. Other rigs as specified above may be in boat ready for use; however, only one is permitted in use at any given time.
· Anyone guilty of netting, snagging or foul hooking visible fish will have their catch disqualified.
Trolling with the use of a combustible engine as a method of fishing is prohibited. A team found to be doing this would be disqualified for that tournament and put on probation for the remaining season tournaments.
9. Boat and Motor:
Boats must have all required Coast Guard safety equipment and must have a motor within rating limits. All boats must have a live-well with a functional aeration system.
10. Short Fish Penalties: (Updated)
All fish brought to weigh-in must be of legal size determined by state law for that body of water fished. Short fish will be culled from your sack and your largest fish will also be culled from the remaining fish. A courtesy measuring board will be available to be used teams.
11. Limits:
There is a 5-fish limit (per team or when fishing alone) at each tournament. There is a length limit of 14" unless state laws dictate otherwise. Division directors will adhere to state law and will announce length limits at each pre-tournament briefing. Anyone bringing in more than a 5-fish will have their sack culled to the 5-fish limit starting with their big fish first. No team may possess more than five fish at any time. All culling must be done on the water – Not at the ramp.
12. Dead Fish Penalty:
For each dead fish a 1-pound penalty will be deducted from your total weight. A dead fish will not be weighed-in as big fish. Tournament director will make final decision if fish is dead or not. Fish that appears altered or mangled shall be the tournament director’s decision to weigh or not to weigh the fish.
13. Late to weigh-in:
There will be a deduction of 1 lb. per minute of your total weight for every minute late to weigh-in. After 15 minutes past weigh-in teams are disqualified.
14. Registration:
There will be registration at the tournament site starting one hour or more before the start of the tournament. Registration will close 30 minutes before the start of the tournament. Tournament Directors will only accept cash at registration (NO Checks Please). Paying entries fees after the tournament starting time will be accepted only at the tournament director's discretion. There will be pre-tournament meetings 30-minutes prior to the start of each tournament. Divisions (due to state law) that have a limited number of participates will take entries on a first come first serve basis.
15. Weigh-in procedures:
All contestants will be instructed at the pre-tournament meeting on weigh-in procedures. Each team must present his or her own catch to the weigh-in official in a Bedlam Bass Anglers provided weigh-in bag. No other person shall then handle the fish except a weigh-in official. No person other than weigh-in officials may touch the scales; weigh-in basket or any part of the weigh-in equipment.
All fish will be measured using a "Golden Rule" measuring board. All measurements made on this board will be official and the decision of the tournament officials is final. If possible, a courtesy board will be provided near the weigh-in area.
15a. All fish brought to weigh in, immediately become the property of Bedlam Bass Anglers and may not be weighed in with another trail, club or competition active on the same body of water. Fish weighed in with another trail, club or competition prior to coming to Bedlam Bass Anglers scales will not be accepted and any team attempting to do so will be disqualified.
16. Unloading and Live-well Inspection:
Unless specified by the tournament director, all boats MUST be launched and inspected from the official take off ramp for that event. Boats must have a live well, either built into the boat or portable. Live wells must have some type of pump or circulator to keep fish alive. Prior to boat launch Divisional Tournament Director or a designated official will check all live wells.
17. Life Preserver:
During all Bedlam Bass Anglers Tournaments, competitors will wear their life jackets zipped and buckled when combustion engine is running and vessel is on plane. Both competitors will be seated IN THE COCKPIT AREA when combustion engine is engaged. The use of kill switches is highly recommended.
18. Sportsmanship:
All contestants are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy and conservation. Drunkenness shall be cause for immediate disqualification.
19. Off-Limits:
The tournament director will announce the off-limits areas at each pre-tournament meeting. Any area on tournament waters marked with a "no boats" or "no fishing" sign or buoy will automatically be designated as an off-limits area even if not identified by tournament staff. Any team fishing in the off-limits areas will be disqualified from the tournament. Teams may not fish closer than 50 yards to another competitor anchored or not unless given permission. If permission is given to one, then all may fish same water. Having a non-contestant occupy a certain fishing area for you shall be cause for disqualification. The Championship Lake will be off limits Monday prior to the tournament until tournament day.
20. Pre-Fishing: (Updated)
All Bedlam Bass Anglers Tournaments locations will NOT be closed to pre-fishing except the championship. Championship will be off limits Monday thru Thursday the week of the championship
21. Leaving the Boat:
Team Members May Not Leave Their Boats During Tournament Hours Except During an Emergency. Competitors will remain with their partners in the boat at all times during the tournament, except in the event of sickness or brief restroom breaks, a severe storm or other such hazards. If your team decides to leave the tournament area and/or waters early, competitors must contact the tournament director prior to leaving the tournament.
21a. Staff: If a competitor is part of the weigh-in staff, they may leave the boat for staff duties. Their partner may continue to fish. However, the staff member may not return to their boat for the remainder of the event.
22. Cheating:
Anyone caught cheating in any tournament event will be immediately and permanently barred from fishing in any Bedlam Bass Anglers event. We reserve the right to schedule polygraph examinations as required at any time. Competitors may not use a cell phone or speak with other anglers to gain an advantage over the rest of the competitors.
23. Protest:
All protest must be submitted in writing to Tournament Director before the close of weigh-in. Verbal protest will not be accepted. The protest will then be reviewed by a board of three club members to be appointed by random selection. The board will review the allegation, and their decision will be final.
24. State Rules:
All State rules and regulations must be followed.
24a. Anyone cited by any member of law enforcement for a violation of lake or state laws will automatically be disqualified from the day’s event and his weight forfeited.
25. Insurance:
All members are required to carry liability insurance policy on any boat they might use during any Tournaments. Failure to do so or reporting of false information will result in disqualification. Participants must include the company name and either the policy number or the name of the agent binding the coverage on the membership form.
26. Refusal of Membership:
We reserve the right to refuse membership or entry into any Bedlam Bass Anglers Events.
27. Professionals:
This tournament series is for amateur anglers only. Professional anglers are not eligible. If you are unsure of your professional status, it is your responsibility to request a decision in writing from our staff prior to entering. Any angler who enters this tournament series and is determined to be a professional will be removed from competition immediately. All decisions are final.
All participants are required to sign a waiver that they have read and understand all Bedlam Bass Anglers club rules and Bedlam Bass Anglers will not be liable for anything.
1. Participants:
All tournaments are open to anyone over 18 years of age. Anyone competitor that is less than 18 years of age must be accompanied in the boat by an adult 18 years of age or older or sign a waiver/release of liability form which must be submitted with entry fees. Bedlam Bass Anglers is open to all boat makes, models and motor sizes.
2. Bedlam Bass Anglers Membership:
Membership is $80 per boat and includes the right to fish any tournament for that calendar year. Children ages 12 years old and under, fishing with a parent or guardian, receive a free Membership.
3. Tournament Entry Fees:
Entry fee regular season events is $100.00 per boat per tournament, which includes the Big Bass Pot. The tournament director may adjust entry fee on tournament locations that require a lake usage fee.
4. Scoring:
Regular season events will be scored based on a 100-point scoring system Plus total weight of fish.
Teams that don’t weigh in any fish will receive last place point -5 points. The Team with the Big Bass will also be award an additional 5 Points. Teams must fish to be awarded points.
AOY will be awarded after the last Regular season Tournament
5. Bedlam Bass Anglers Championship (Updated)
All teams that finish the season having fished at least 4 of the 5 regular season events, shall be eligible to fish the championship. Both days weight will be combined together to give you your overall total and the points will count as a single day event. There is a $150.00 entry fee (this includes the Big Bass Pot for each day). All qualified teams may pay an entry fee for the Championship at registration. The Tournament Director will only accept cash at the ramp (NO Checks Please). Monday-Thursday Prior to the championship will be off limits.
6. Substitutes: (Updated)
Any team may use a substitute in a tournament at any time and all points will be retained. This person may serve as a substitute only one time during the season. A participant may fish solo or must declare a partner prior by the start of the second tournament. Substitutes will be allowed for the championship, but they must pay their memberships.
7. Ties:
During regular season events, ties will be broken using the weight of each competitor's big bass. If a tie still exists, the competitors will split the combined first and second place prize money. Ties for Divisional Champions will be broken by the team that has the heaviest total weight for the season. Ties for the Championship will be broken by big bass. Ties for big bass will split big bass pot.
7a. One Fish Rule (Updated)
If in the event only one team catches a fish for the entire tournament, they will be awarded Big Bass and also 1st Place. The remaining money will be put into the championship fund.
8. Legal Means of Taking:
All bass must be caught alive in a conventional sport fishing manner. This is defined as having a lure attached to a line and a rod and reel with the lure in the water.
The following restrictions apply:
· The use of grippers in landing bass is prohibited.
· Only artificial and biodegradable lures may be used. No “live bait” or “prepared bait” will be permitted during official practice and competition, with the exception of pork strips or rinds.
· Only one casting, spin casting or spinning rod (8 foot maximum length from butt of handle to rod tip) and reel may be used at any one time. Other rigs as specified above may be in boat ready for use; however, only one is permitted in use at any given time.
· Anyone guilty of netting, snagging or foul hooking visible fish will have their catch disqualified.
Trolling with the use of a combustible engine as a method of fishing is prohibited. A team found to be doing this would be disqualified for that tournament and put on probation for the remaining season tournaments.
9. Boat and Motor:
Boats must have all required Coast Guard safety equipment and must have a motor within rating limits. All boats must have a live-well with a functional aeration system.
10. Short Fish Penalties: (Updated)
All fish brought to weigh-in must be of legal size determined by state law for that body of water fished. Short fish will be culled from your sack and your largest fish will also be culled from the remaining fish. A courtesy measuring board will be available to be used teams.
11. Limits:
There is a 5-fish limit (per team or when fishing alone) at each tournament. There is a length limit of 14" unless state laws dictate otherwise. Division directors will adhere to state law and will announce length limits at each pre-tournament briefing. Anyone bringing in more than a 5-fish will have their sack culled to the 5-fish limit starting with their big fish first. No team may possess more than five fish at any time. All culling must be done on the water – Not at the ramp.
12. Dead Fish Penalty:
For each dead fish a 1-pound penalty will be deducted from your total weight. A dead fish will not be weighed-in as big fish. Tournament director will make final decision if fish is dead or not. Fish that appears altered or mangled shall be the tournament director’s decision to weigh or not to weigh the fish.
13. Late to weigh-in:
There will be a deduction of 1 lb. per minute of your total weight for every minute late to weigh-in. After 15 minutes past weigh-in teams are disqualified.
14. Registration:
There will be registration at the tournament site starting one hour or more before the start of the tournament. Registration will close 30 minutes before the start of the tournament. Tournament Directors will only accept cash at registration (NO Checks Please). Paying entries fees after the tournament starting time will be accepted only at the tournament director's discretion. There will be pre-tournament meetings 30-minutes prior to the start of each tournament. Divisions (due to state law) that have a limited number of participates will take entries on a first come first serve basis.
15. Weigh-in procedures:
All contestants will be instructed at the pre-tournament meeting on weigh-in procedures. Each team must present his or her own catch to the weigh-in official in a Bedlam Bass Anglers provided weigh-in bag. No other person shall then handle the fish except a weigh-in official. No person other than weigh-in officials may touch the scales; weigh-in basket or any part of the weigh-in equipment.
All fish will be measured using a "Golden Rule" measuring board. All measurements made on this board will be official and the decision of the tournament officials is final. If possible, a courtesy board will be provided near the weigh-in area.
15a. All fish brought to weigh in, immediately become the property of Bedlam Bass Anglers and may not be weighed in with another trail, club or competition active on the same body of water. Fish weighed in with another trail, club or competition prior to coming to Bedlam Bass Anglers scales will not be accepted and any team attempting to do so will be disqualified.
16. Unloading and Live-well Inspection:
Unless specified by the tournament director, all boats MUST be launched and inspected from the official take off ramp for that event. Boats must have a live well, either built into the boat or portable. Live wells must have some type of pump or circulator to keep fish alive. Prior to boat launch Divisional Tournament Director or a designated official will check all live wells.
17. Life Preserver:
During all Bedlam Bass Anglers Tournaments, competitors will wear their life jackets zipped and buckled when combustion engine is running and vessel is on plane. Both competitors will be seated IN THE COCKPIT AREA when combustion engine is engaged. The use of kill switches is highly recommended.
18. Sportsmanship:
All contestants are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy and conservation. Drunkenness shall be cause for immediate disqualification.
19. Off-Limits:
The tournament director will announce the off-limits areas at each pre-tournament meeting. Any area on tournament waters marked with a "no boats" or "no fishing" sign or buoy will automatically be designated as an off-limits area even if not identified by tournament staff. Any team fishing in the off-limits areas will be disqualified from the tournament. Teams may not fish closer than 50 yards to another competitor anchored or not unless given permission. If permission is given to one, then all may fish same water. Having a non-contestant occupy a certain fishing area for you shall be cause for disqualification. The Championship Lake will be off limits Monday prior to the tournament until tournament day.
20. Pre-Fishing: (Updated)
All Bedlam Bass Anglers Tournaments locations will NOT be closed to pre-fishing except the championship. Championship will be off limits Monday thru Thursday the week of the championship
21. Leaving the Boat:
Team Members May Not Leave Their Boats During Tournament Hours Except During an Emergency. Competitors will remain with their partners in the boat at all times during the tournament, except in the event of sickness or brief restroom breaks, a severe storm or other such hazards. If your team decides to leave the tournament area and/or waters early, competitors must contact the tournament director prior to leaving the tournament.
21a. Staff: If a competitor is part of the weigh-in staff, they may leave the boat for staff duties. Their partner may continue to fish. However, the staff member may not return to their boat for the remainder of the event.
22. Cheating:
Anyone caught cheating in any tournament event will be immediately and permanently barred from fishing in any Bedlam Bass Anglers event. We reserve the right to schedule polygraph examinations as required at any time. Competitors may not use a cell phone or speak with other anglers to gain an advantage over the rest of the competitors.
23. Protest:
All protest must be submitted in writing to Tournament Director before the close of weigh-in. Verbal protest will not be accepted. The protest will then be reviewed by a board of three club members to be appointed by random selection. The board will review the allegation, and their decision will be final.
24. State Rules:
All State rules and regulations must be followed.
24a. Anyone cited by any member of law enforcement for a violation of lake or state laws will automatically be disqualified from the day’s event and his weight forfeited.
25. Insurance:
All members are required to carry liability insurance policy on any boat they might use during any Tournaments. Failure to do so or reporting of false information will result in disqualification. Participants must include the company name and either the policy number or the name of the agent binding the coverage on the membership form.
26. Refusal of Membership:
We reserve the right to refuse membership or entry into any Bedlam Bass Anglers Events.
27. Professionals:
This tournament series is for amateur anglers only. Professional anglers are not eligible. If you are unsure of your professional status, it is your responsibility to request a decision in writing from our staff prior to entering. Any angler who enters this tournament series and is determined to be a professional will be removed from competition immediately. All decisions are final.